Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Heart Says Yes, Body Says No


Injured star Ronaldo has left hospital and says that his heart is telling him to carry on playing football, even if his body is telling him no.

The 31-year-old has been at the Pitié Salpetriere Hospital in Paris recovering from surgery following the horrific ruptured tendon in his knee he sustained last week. Ronaldo has now been discharged and has given his first interview. “If I feel good and I don’t feel any pain, I will continue to play,” the Brazilian insisted.

“If my body is behind me, I will return to the pitch. To leave football would be a difficult decision. At the moment I am thinking about recovering as well as possible, but of course the injury was a very hard blow. I want to carry on playing and my heart is in it, but my body is giving me signs of fatigue.This period will be useful as it will allow me to recuperate physically and to be able to live a normal life in the future.”

Ronaldo will not return to the playing field for at least nine months, although the last time he suffered this same injury in 2000, he took 20 months to recover. “My motivation is the same as it was then,” El Fenomeno stated.

“I’m hoping that this time there won’t be the delays that I experienced last time. The first injury was a completely new experience, but now I can stand on the shoulders of that.We know what to do and we know what’s best if I want to be able to return to football. There’s always this love for football, the passion for the sport and the desire o score goals. And that is the light at the end of the tunnel, but it won’t be easy.” (Source: Roberto Rossi, Goal)

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My Heart Says Yes, Body Says No ~ Blog Football News