"To me nobody told me anything when we qualified for the Euro and I decided that I was going to go. Now there is no turning back," said selector Luis Aragones in his last press conference as head of Spain.
Luis Aragones has confirmed his departure from Spain and who was dismissed from the post after the finals of the Euro, this Sunday to Germany. "I'm going because they have not done more because I left. What I want is not being used that I wanted to go there," he said at the press conference.
However, the Madrid coach is "happy" because he had a group of people who "believed" in him. "We've spent all evil and that worse, I do. All this has led us to a union. We started badly Euro, with harsh criticism, the players saw that and worked more accepted, but there is a 'feeling' in my work with them, feel and believe that I'm in the right path or road, "he explained on the relationship with their international.
What we will do when I leave the selection, Madrid would not confirm where [the turkish Fenerbahce confirmed his hiring two years ago days], but their desire to remain connected with football. "I spent four years defending my country and I will not defend it to be nostalgic, but then work in football, because I believe and I think I should do. DES as a Spanish rather than the selection always win," he concluded.
'The end is to win'
On the match against Germany, assured that "the finals are to win", because "nobody remembers second." "We hope to play well and win. It's similar to what I have told the players: the runner up in four years can not remember anybody, but champion them."
Aragones acknowledged being "good and quiet" with "a desire to make a good match and take forward the Euro". "What I have said on many occasions that the bad times be learned, so worth it to be gone through in the final. We must respect the opposition, nothing more and less is called Germany," he said.
Therefore, he reiterated that his desire is to achieve the second continental title for Spain. "Winning in my country, for my players, for me and for you. We won a world breaking this quarter and now we will leave all benefit", he stressed.
'Without Ballack may be worse'
In addition, the 'Wise of Hortaleza' stressed that one of the keys of Spain is in "good atmosphere" that exists between the players. "I've seen teams with great figures, but not without good atmosphere wins. That has led us to go win and reach the final. What I have done? Tell how important is the better player than that remained in the bench, "he said.
Luis Aragones said the possible decline in the German captain Michael Ballack, who is not trained in the past two days and could miss the final. "Ballack is a great player and it's normal that the team will suffer. It can be worse, because he will exit more. It's a great player and has demonstrated, but if you have a bad day ... My concern is 11 leaving, "he said.
The game German feared his "physical strength" and that "a stationary ball are very dangerous because gain strength." "In this case we are going to suffer. I can worry, but Germany is also concerned about the Spanish touch, it will create problems," he warned. "We face a wide range, which can create many problems but does not have a football so fluid, but it a significant speed in the counterattack," he said.
Dedication for all
On the other hand, no cree Madrid coach who has paved the way for Spain to take back to a final. "It has become a trail, but there is still a way to make so that all players 22 or 23 years to understand more as competes. My work has been acceptable", was described.
In case of victory, Aragones was devoted to "all". "The first dedicatora will be for my wife, children and grandchildren. I can assure you that it will be for everybody, players, fans and you, because they bear the criticism and help me to say that I must work harder to see if they are gaining I criticize less, "he concluded.